
The working partnerships between AML Reporting Limited and our solicitor clients are based upon a unique combination of trust, knowledge and experience.
We deeply understand the key issues and are able to provide the relevant bespoke solutions.
We also regularly invest in the most relevant technological advancements within the industry such as case management system, online reporting software and medical expert diaries.
We typically handle the medical reports needs of hundreds of fee earners at any given time

What types of claims typically pass through the company?
We process various types of claims ranging from Employers’ Liability, Personal Liability, Road Traffic Accident and Immigration.

Our database of medical experts offers national coverage, in all specialist fields and we currently arrange appointments for  RTA law firms.

How quick are you in turning reports around?
We’ve had instances where we’ve literally had to turn a report around within 24 hours, and pride ourselves that we are always aware of delivery need, rather than just when it can be done by.

Do we have to sign exclusivity contracts?
No. We welcome the opportunity to be compared with your current medico-legal supplier and are very happy to be put through our paces. Many of our clients have come to us with a challenge of some description and then discovered the benefit of our consistency.

What trends can you see in the future about the type of medical reports service that solicitors will want and how is your company shaping to meet these needs?
More and more RTA cases will be GP report-based with no review of medical records. Speed of turnaround will become even more essential.With this in mind our clinic and preferred medical experts will all receive highlighted extra training for upcoming implementation of CPR changes.




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